Kali Configuration

Oh My Zsh + powerlevel10K + tmux

Kali 2020.3: Restart the machine after installing oh-my-zsh. It's the most simple way to do it.

Set Root

sudo dpkg-reconfigure kali-grant-root

Set Font

  1. Goto ~/.config/qterminal.org folder

  2. Change fontFamily to Fira Code, Fira-Code or something else and save exit.

  3. All set, remember don't use Qterminal to do the above steps, otherwise, changes won't take place. Use editor directly open file instead.

  4. Should all working now. Either use mate-terminal or do it with GUI editor.

Set .sh file

# remove the %(percent sign) when starting a terminal 
unsetopt PROMPT_SP

# make tmux support 256 colour
if [ "$TERM" != "xterm-256color" ]; then
  export TERM=xterm-256color

alias tmux='TERM=xterm-256color tmux -2'

Last updated